Coordinating the UN's work on water and sanitation

The way forward

Moderated: 31 August – 30 September.


Now that the 2018 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) has taken place, where SDG 6 on Water and Sanitation was reviewed, it is really time to start to think about next steps in terms of how we move forward to close the gaps that were highlighted in the SDG 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation. The purpose of this report, a joint position of the United Nations family, was to inform the discussion at the HLPF.

The SDG 6 Synthesis Report has recommendations. There has also been the entire experience of data collection and reporting over the last year to arrive at the current status of SDG 6. This experience will provide lessons learned for how to enhance and improve reporting in the future. How do we take all of this and move forward?


So, the questions to be discussed during this part of the dialogue are the following:

  • How do we take forward the recommendations that have been put forth in the SDG 6 Synthesis Report and the Public Dialogue? What do we need to focus on to make the most impact in achieving SDG 6?
  • How do we strengthen and improve the monitoring and review of SDG 6? How do we better illustrate the importance of this for SDG 6 implementation? How we do increase capacity to carry out monitoring and reporting to lead implementation actions? How do we build partnerships to fully utilize the wealth of data that exists?
  • How can future SDG 6 Synthesis Reports on Water and Sanitation better and more effectively inform policymaking?

Useful for the discussions are especially the highlights and the executive summary of the report. All languages of these documents are also available in the Resources section.

Survey: SDG 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation

By answering this questionnaire (takes approximately 10 minutes), you may increase the knowledge on the main challenges your region and country are facing.

Angela Renata Cordeiro Ortigara, Dr.

Associate Project Officer

UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme

Joshua Newton


UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme


  1. Dear Colleagues,

    UN-Water launched the last phase of this Public Dialogue during the UN-Water Stakeholder Dialogue at Stockholm World Water Week.

    In that event, we discussed (1) What are the obstacles? (2) What are the possibilities? and (3) What can we do concretely to accelerate progress on SDG 6?

    Participants have identified some actions around inequalities, capacity development, governance and financing. Would you have some examples to share with us?

    We are looking forward to your comments.

    Best regards,

    Angela Ortigara

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